The trafficking and regulation of ion transporters
Eukaryotic cells are divided into membrane-bound compartments called organelles. Each organelle performs a specific function, and requires a particular set of proteins and lipids to perform this function. Our overall aim is to identify and understand the molecular machinery that sorts and directs proteins within the cell. Correct protein sorting is essential for many processes including the control of cell proliferation and functioning of the immune and nervous systems: defects in these processes often leads to disease. In addition, many viruses exploit protein trafficking pathways for their entry and/ or exit from the cell. We use both cultured human cells and yeast for our studies. Our current research can be divided into two main themes: 1) The trafficking mechanisms of the ZIP family of iron/ zinc/ manganese transporters in health and disease and 2) The localisation and regulation of the NHE family of sodium/ proton exchangers, and the role these exchangers play in mechanisms of membrane trafficking.