Adrian J Shepherd

Reader in Computational Biology

Based at Birkbeck

Personal Website

Computational Immunology Research Group

Our research focuses on human adaptive immune responses using a range of computational methods - from Next Generation Sequencing of immune repertoires (Rep-seq) to molecular dynamics simulations of antibody binding. We are particularly interested in applications that are close to the clinic, including vaccine design and the stratification of patient responses to therapy. We collaborate with clinicians, virologists and other wet-lab research scientists at UCL, Public Health England, Barts, the Institute of Hepatology, and beyond. Currently we are working on the adaptive immune response to several pathogens (influenza A virus, hepatitis C virus and Bacillus anthracis), to cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma and breast cancer), and to therapeutic proteins (notably Factor VIII used in the treatment of haemophilia A). This works is also driving us to develop new tools and methods, including the TRIgS toolkit (Tools for Rendering Immunoglobulin Sequences).

Selected publications

Investigating substitutions in antibody-antigen complexes using molecular dynamics: a case study with broad-spectrum, influenza A antibodies
Lees, W. D., Stejskal, L., Moss, D. S., Shepherd, A. J.
Utilities for high-throughput analysis of B-cell clonal lineages
Lees, W. D., Shepherd, A. J.
A large-scale computational study of inhibitor risk in non-severe haemophilia A
Shepherd, A. J., Skelton, S., Sansom, C. E., Gomez, K., Moss, D. S., Hart, D. P.
British Journal of Haematology, (2015) 168 (3):413-420