Interdisciplinary PhD studentships at the ISMB
PhD studentships are awarded on a competitive basis with applications being considered by a shortlisting and interview panel that is specific to each programme. Potential applicants may apply for all of the studentship opportunities below but must follow the instructions for applicants described on each of the programme webpages.
Bloomsbury Colleges PhD studentship 2021-22: Investigation of microbial community dynamics using in vitro biofilms and in vivo zebrafish infection models
The Bloomsbury Colleges are offering an outstanding interdisciplinary research opportunity through the Bloomsbury Colleges PhD Studentships programme. One PhD studentship is available beginning in the academic year 2021-22 in the 'Investigation of microbial community dynamics using in vitro biofilms and in vivo zebrafish infection'.
Further information and details of how to apply can be found on the project page.
Closing date: 1 March 2021
ISMB 4 Year Interdisciplinary PhD programme: From Structures to Systems
In this programme students are exposed to a wide range of multidisciplinary training necessary to address essential problems in fundamental biology and biomedicine.
The first year of the programme comprises intensive training and three lab rotations in key disciplines spanning across Structural, Molecular, Systems, Computational and Chemical Biology, empowering students with opportunities for discovery from the beginning of their studies while shaping their own unique experience of interdisciplinary research. This experience provides the basis for an informed choice of PhD project and an ideal platform for progress in years 2-4.
Applications for 2020-21 are now closed.
UCL-Birkbeck MRC Doctoral Training Programme
This programme provides state-of-the-art PhD training across four strategic themes that exploit the unique research strengths and training infrastructure of UCL and Birkbeck. The programme has a four year pathway and a three year pathway, which includes industrial CASE students.
Applications for 2020-21 are now closed.
BBSRC funded London Interdisciplinary Doctoral (LIDo) programme in biosciences
BBSRC PhD studentships offer the opportunity to study within the ISMB at Birkbeck and UCL as part of the LIDo PhD programme. This interdisciplinary PhD programme provides the mathematical and computational skills necessary to understand and model biological processes and function, while maintaining the training in world-class bioscience that underpins all living systems. Students complete research training and rotation projects in year 1 before choosing and beginning their PhD project.
Applications for 2020-21 are now closed.