ISMB 4 year Interdisciplinary PhD Programme in Structural, Chemical and Computational Biology – Eligibility for Studentships

Eligibility for Studentships

Applicants should take special note of the eligibility requirements outlined below before applying to join the ISMB's 4 year interdisciplinary PhD programme.

Academic Qualifications

All applicants will be required to satisfy standard UCL academic and English language entry criteria, including minimum upper-second class (2.1) honours degree (or overseas equivalent) in a relevant subject.

These studentships are highly sought after and competition for places is high; previous research experience would provide a competitive edge to prospective candidates.


Successful applicants will receive a tax-free stipend of £17,798 per annum (2020/21 rate, inc. London weighting) and tuition fees paid in full at the home/EU rate. The stipend rate increases each year according to UKRC rates.

Residence Eligibility

Overseas applicants may apply but should note that they are eligible only to receive the maintenance stipend and tuition fees paid at the home/EU rate.

Such applicants will therefore need to fund the difference in fees between the home/EU rate (£5,365) and the overseas rate (£26,160 - a difference of £19,175 per annum for the academic year 2020/21).